What Might I Gain?

What Might I Gain?

Tormenting, Relentless, Racking, Pain

What good is it for? I have nothing to gain

It strips away my ability, to be productive in life

My desires as a mother, and the duties of a wife

The tears pour out uncontrollably

My lips sip the soothing wine

The disappointment is overwhelming

What I had dreamed of is no longer mine

Life progresses forward, dancing right on by

I long to be a part, instead all I can do is cry

My husband must now work twice as hard

To take care of his children and wife

The tensions surmount to incredible heights

The peace we once shared now turned to strife

My children cry” mommy, mommy

Won’t you please come out and play”

No I must reluctantly offer

Because of the pain I must lay

I fear my heart is breaking

I am certain it is crushing in two

How much more can I endure

What am I suppose to do?

My heart cry’s desperately to GOD

My speech is mute as I try to Pray

I don’t want to continue living like this

No..not one more day!

But louder than my anguish

Surfaces a gentle yet powerful voice

Listening intently I hear

“You Can Do This; You don’t have a choice”

I become alert that he loves me

And it is clear that I am to live

Even though I’ve lost everything

Feeling empty, with nothing to give

So with that I change my attitude

About this incredible pain

And instead begin to question

What might I learn from this?

What Might I Gain?

Laura Beth Young©

This is the very first poem I wrote around 18 years ago. Though I felt worthless, God saw value in me, and began changing my heart. I had no comprehension of what I could possibly gain from such loss, but over a period of many years I began to understand.

Through my trials I have gained a stronger walk with the Lord, and have a greater understanding of His infinite love for all people. I have gained the ability to reach out to others who are hurting and going through difficulties.  I have gained the incredible” gift” of writing, and can appreciate fully the simple pleasures of life. All of which have stirred in me the desire to live a life filled with purpose passion and greatness!

“What gain is there in my destruction, in my going down into the pit?”

Psalm 30:9