Online life coach for gluten free diet

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Searching for an online life coach for a gluten free diet? The gluten-free diet has attracted a lot of media attention in recent years. Many claim it as the answer to many problems that include weight gain, digestive issues, and weakness, with more than a few athletes and movie stars endorsing its various benefits. Is this a fad, or a prescription for the multitudes?

Many criticize the trend as a fad that is attracting too many people who are randomly seeking a solution to their diet or health woes.

Out of personal and professional experience, the gluten-free diet is the one diet actually worth considering. My recommendation for people with chronic health concerns is to start with a test for gluten intolerance. While gluten is not a problem for the majority of the populace, according to Dr. David Perlmutter, up to 40% of [the population] are experiencing health concerns from it.

The research on gluten-related disorders is exploding with proof that gluten can trigger an inflammatory response anywhere in the body, and can cause or worsen many autoimmune diseases and health problems.

We would be honored to help you with the struggles and concerns you may have getting started with your journey into a gluten-free diet!